Are You Ready To Travel To Canada?

All set to visit Canada? Wait a minute. Are you really aware of what you’re down for?

Traveling abroad is ever exciting. But it’s not like you feel to and you fly for. It’s only wise to have careful research about the needfuls before your book your flight. Canada is a large country second to only Russia. You cant travel all the places in a single go. Also, its necessary to be aware of the local rules and regulations. Not an issue. We’ve got you covered.

Here’s everything you need to know before flying off for Canada.

Are You Eligible?

Every country has its own set of rules for deciding travel eligibility. So the very first thing to learn is whether you’re eligible to visit the country or not.

Eligibility to visit Canada is decided by the Government of Canada, Immigration, and Citizenship. Some of the basic criteria include having valid travel documents, be in a good health, ready and willing to depart when the trip is over, having adequate money, and no criminal history.

What Documents You Need

Of course, the very basic thing is to have a passport from your country. There might be some exceptions for the US residents but still, you need a passport or equivalent.

Now, being a resident of another country, you need a Canadian visa. Alternatively, for a short-term visit, you can opt for the Canada ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization). eTA is a must to enter the country for non-visa holders or US residents.

What’s You Itinerary

Having a pre-planned itinerary is a must to travel to Canada. Do not try to cover as many places as you can. It’s a large country and you’re only going to tire yourself out that way.

For a more relaxed and joyous traveling, choose your accurate itinerary beforehand. Go for something that’s manageable. Canada trips are usually divided region-wise like Maritime, Quebec and Ontario, the West Coast, the Prairie Provinces, and northern Canada. Include the places of highest preference. You can always come back and visit others.

Other Things To Bear In Mind

There are a few small yet important things to be conscious of as well. You might need to decide the best time of the visit that suits your purpose. Also, keep in mind that you need Canadian dollars as currency. There can be a few things you cant carry with you on Canadian airports. Don’t forget to learn about the local laws or you might just end up in a mess.


Canada is a bliss. It’s going to be an amazing trip. To make it happier, just make sure you have all the required documents and everything else sorted for your trip.

If you’re really good to go, take the next flight. Canada would be happy to see you.